Why women invest report
Important information: This report isn’t personal advice, but you can ask us for financial advice if you’re not sure which investments are right for you. Investments can go down as well as up in value, so you could get back less than you put in.
Enough has been said about the barriers holding women back from investing, but what about the things that empower us?
In a first report of its kind, we delve into the minds of female investors to see what makes them tick.
Because if we understand better what drives women to invest, we can spark more women towards financial independence. After all, the more women who seize control of their finances, the quicker we can close the financial gender gaps.
Dive into our report and get inspired to take charge of your financial future.
Let’s break the barriers, smash the stereotypes, and inspire every woman to save and invest for a better future.
We must equip women with the knowledge and tools to manage and invest this wealth wisely, ensuring long-term growth and financial security.
Tamara Gillan, Founder of the WealthiHer Network
This report will be the catalyst for many women to take control, start investing, and close the gender wealth gap.
Laura Ann Moore, Money Mindset Expert
Investing is for all, not just a small part of the population, and we hope this report and research encourage more people to have the courage of their savings convictions.
Paras Anand, Chief Investment Officer at Artemis Fund Managers
The findings and the recommendations in this report are therefore a welcome change from the arguably disproportionate focus on the obstacles in our path.
Davinia Tomlinson, Founder of Rainchq
This report is very welcome at the time when we are very aware of the gender investment gap but need action, advice and advocacy.
Bhavini ‘Bev’ Shah, Chief Executive & Founder
Did you know?
Women hold £2,238 more in their HL Stocks and Shares ISAs than men on average.
Did you know?
Women hold £2,238 more in their HL Stocks and Shares ISAs than men on average.
A women’s investing manifesto
After immersing ourselves in six months' extensive research, we've uncovered invaluable insights when it comes to women and investing. Here are our six areas of focus:
Generational shifts
The societal narrative of men being the earners, and women being the spenders is changing. More and more women are taking charge of their finances than ever before. And it isn’t just the older generations inspiring the young either.
Under representation
Women are chronically under-represented in the world of investing. Which in part is down to the language surrounding the industry. This needs to change to make investing more accessible for everyone.
Control is key
Women thrive on control – especially when it comes to investing. The problem is we procrastinate if things are unpredictable, we just need to change this mindset.
Female investment strategies
From one-hit wonders to regular traders, women don’t all invest in the same manner. But one thing is for certain – when they do, they’re great at it.
You don’t need to be rich
Most women said they’d be comfortable to invest if they had £1,000. But you really don’t need this to take the first step. Regularly investing small amounts has its benefits too.
A new era
Hargreaves Lansdown is on a mission to change the investment industry, so everyone can save and invest for a better future.
Our report shows:
87% of women believe that they're more likely to have their own money to invest compared to previous generations before them.
Our report shows that:
87% of women believe that they're more likely to have their own money to invest compared to previous generations before them.
Download our flagship report

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Some of our fearless contributors
Our report wouldn’t be where it is today without all the fearless women who contributed. Get inspired by their individual investment journeys below.

We ask Kremi how she navigates the complexities of managing a household while investing for her family.

Anna tells us how she’s using her dad's inheritance to better her family's future.