Funds selected by our analysts
The Wealth Shortlist is designed to help investors build well-balanced and diversified portfolios. If you're unsure investing is right for you, read more about whether you should save or invest.
We put funds under the microscope to make sure the list only contains the funds that our in-depth analysis indicates have the greatest performance potential. We never take payment or commission for funds to appear on the Shortlist.
To use the Shortlist to build your portfolio, you should:
- Be comfortable deciding if a fund fits your investment goals and attitude to risk. Learn more about risk.
- Know how to choose and maintain a diverse mix of funds to reduce risk. Learn more about diversification.
The Wealth Shortlist includes funds across a range of sectors, and risk levels that won’t be right for everyone – it isn’t personal advice. A change to the list isn’t a recommendation to buy or sell. You’ll need to consider your own goals, attitude to risk and wider portfolio before making any investment decisions. Funds can fall as well as rise in value and you could get back less than you invest. All investments should be considered for the long term and held for a minimum of 5 years.
For investors who don't feel comfortable building and maintaining their own portfolio we offer ready-made solutions, which are aligned to broad investment objectives. For those with or looking for a SIPP who are not sure where to invest, we also offer our ready-made pension plan, which has been designed by our experts. For those who want extra help, you can also ask us for financial advice.
How funds make the list
We only choose funds that pass our strict selection criteria. We focus on key areas which help identify funds our analysis indicates have the greatest performance potential, including:
The individual or team behind a fund is its driving force. We look for experienced managers with plenty of research resource and support.
We dig behind the scenes to evaluate how fund managers and their teams operate. We’ll also look at their approach to Environmental, Social, and Governance (ESG) factors and management companies’ purpose, reward structure and leadership.
A manager’s stock selection and style determine what they buy and when. We like managers who consistently apply their strict processes through different market conditions.
We look at each manager’s performance after charges, to find managers who are truly adding value for investors. We want at least five years of applicable data, ideally ten.

Wealth Shortlist changes and notifications
We provide regular updates on all the Wealth Shortlist funds. We'll email you if we write research on a fund you hold. You can also sign up to receive all our fund research.
Important: Past performance isn't a guide to future returns. Performance data is provided by FE. Fund price data is provided by Morningstar. All other data from Funds Library. Any gaps mean data isn't available. HL accepts no responsibility for its accuracy and you should independently check data before making any investment decisions. All yields are variable and not a reliable indicator of the income you’ll receive in future.
The ongoing costs associated with the fund. This will include both the fund manager's annual charge and some other expenses such as depositary, registrar, accountancy, auditor and legal fees, but not the fund's transaction costs such as dealing commissions.
Sometimes ongoing savings come from a loyalty bonus - part of the fee gets paid back to you. They're tax-free in an ISA or SIPP but you might have to pay tax in a Fund and Share Account.
The synthetic risk and reward indicator measures a fund's volatility. The higher the number, the higher the level of volatility or risk, and vice versa. The number is calculated by each investment group, not Hargreaves Lansdown. They follow a set of rules laid out by the Financial Conduct Authority.
It's based on how much a fund's risen or fallen in the past. Usually the more risk taken, the higher the potential return, but the greater the risk of loss.