Important information - Tax rules can change and benefits depend on individual circumstances. Investments go down in value as well as up, so your child could get back less than invested. A Junior SIPP is a type of pension for people happy to make their own investment decisions, and is not accessible until age 55 which is likely to rise by the time your child reaches retirement. The information on this page is not personal advice. If you are unsure if an investment is right for you or your child, please seek advice.
Junior ISAs and child pensions
The main aim of investing for a child is usually to provide a nest egg to help them out financially in later life. However, there are additional benefits that could see the amount of tax needing to be paid both now and in future reduce significantly.
The simplest way to minimise tax is to use a tax-efficient account such as a Junior ISA or child’s pension such as the Junior SIPP. As the investments are held in the name of the child, no tax liability falls on parents either.
As with all things tax, the rules are likely to change over time. The benefits will depend on the individual circumstances of the child and the person paying into the child’s account.

Child tax rules and gifting
Investments held outside of a Junior ISA or SIPP are liable for tax. One solution is a legal arrangement called a bare trust.
The investments are not held in the name of the child but are normally taxed as if they belong to them. As a child is usually not receiving much income and they have the same tax allowances as an adult, there can often be little tax, if any, to pay.
It is necessary to consider the tax position of the child and also the person who is adding money to the account – known as the settlor. More details about this in the dropdowns below.
You may wish to seek legal or financial advice if you are thinking about setting up a bare trust.
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