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Eolus Vind AB (EOLU B) NPV B

Sell:54.40 SEK Buy:54.60 SEK Change: 0.20 SEK (0.37%)
Prices delayed by at least 15 minutes | Switch to live prices |
Sell:54.40 SEK
Buy:54.60 SEK
Change: 0.20 SEK (0.37%)
Prices delayed by at least 15 minutes | Switch to live prices |
Sell:54.40 SEK
Buy:54.60 SEK
Change: 0.20 SEK (0.37%)
Prices delayed by at least 15 minutes | Switch to live prices |
The selling price currently displayed is higher than the buying price. This can occur temporarily for a variety of reasons; shortly before the market opens, after the market closes or because of extraordinary price volatility during the trading day.

Business summary

Eolus Vind publ AB (Eolus) is a Sweden-based company engaged in the projecting, selling and managing of wind power plants. The Company operates as developer of wind power projects, owner and manager of wind turbines and provider of technical and administrative consulting services. As of August 31, 2011, Eolus owned all or part of 30 (27) wind turbines with a total output of 38.6 (33.8) megawatt (MW), with an estimated annual production of about 93 (81) gigawatt (GW). Two of the turbines are located in Estonia and the rest in Sweden. The Company operates through 13 subsidiaries, including Ekovind AB, Eolus Elnat AB, Kattegatt Vindkraft AB, OU Baltic Wind Energy, Vingkraft Hakarp AB and Svenska Vindbolaget AB. In July 2014, it established subsidiary in Finland, Eolus OY, which also acquired two wind power projects under development from the project developer Auria Wind OY.

Contact details

Tredje Avenyen 3
281 48
+46 (451) 49150

Important dates

Future events
There are no future events available.
Past events
There are no past events available.

General stock information

Short code:
Market cap:
1.28 billion SEK
Shares in issue:
24.91 million
Construction & Engineering
Stockholm Stock Exchange
Swedish Krona

Key personnel

  • Per Witalisson
    Chief Executive Officer
  • Christer Hansen
    Deputy Chief Executive Officer, Chief Operating Officer
  • Catharina Persson
    Chief Financial Officer
  • Asa Lamm
    Chief People and Culture Officer
  • Karl Olsson
    General Counsel
  • Karin Heydl
    Head - Communication, Sustainability and Information Technology

Data policy - All information should be used for indicative purposes only. You should independently check data before making any investment decision. HL cannot guarantee that the data is accurate or complete, and accepts no responsibility for how it may be used. Business summary, contact details and key personnel provided by Thomson Reuters. Important dates provided by Digital Look Ltd. General stock information provided by Reuters.


The London Stock Exchange does not disclose whether a trade is a buy or a sell so this data is estimated based on the trade price received and the LSE-quoted mid-price at the point the trade is placed. It should only be considered an indication and not a recommendation.

Trades priced above the mid-price at the time the trade is placed are labelled as a buy; those priced below the mid-price are sells; and those priced close to the mid-price or declared late are labelled 'N/A'.