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G Medical Innovations Holdings Ltd (GMVDF) USD0.0001

Sell:$0.0104 Buy:$0.0104 Change: No change
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The selling price currently displayed is higher than the buying price. This can occur temporarily for a variety of reasons; shortly before the market opens, after the market closes or because of extraordinary price volatility during the trading day.

Business summary

G Medical Innovations Holdings Ltd. is a mobile health (mHealth) and e-health company. The Company is focused on the development of mHealth and telemedicine solutions and monitoring service platforms. It develops and markets clinical and consumer medical-grade health monitoring solutions and offers end-to-end support for e-health projects. Its product lines consist of its Prizma medical device, a clinical grade device that can transform any smartphone into a medical monitoring device enabling both healthcare providers and individuals to monitor, manage and share a wide range of vital signs and biometric indicators and Extended Holter Patch System, a multi-channel patient-worn biosensor that captures electrocardiography data continuously, including its QT Prolongation Syndrome Detection Capabilities Patch. Its monitoring services include the provision of independent diagnostic testing facilities and private monitoring services. It also develops wireless vital signs monitoring systems.

Contact details

5 Oppenheimer St.
+972 (8) 9584777

Important dates

Future events
There are no future events available.
Past events
There are no past events available.

General stock information

Short code:
Market cap:
Shares in issue:
24.46 million
Health Care Services
Off Exchange
Cayman Islands
US dollar

Key personnel

Data policy - All information should be used for indicative purposes only. You should independently check data before making any investment decision. HL cannot guarantee that the data is accurate or complete, and accepts no responsibility for how it may be used. Business summary, contact details and key personnel provided by Thomson Reuters. Important dates provided by Digital Look Ltd. General stock information provided by Reuters.


The London Stock Exchange does not disclose whether a trade is a buy or a sell so this data is estimated based on the trade price received and the LSE-quoted mid-price at the point the trade is placed. It should only be considered an indication and not a recommendation.

Trades priced above the mid-price at the time the trade is placed are labelled as a buy; those priced below the mid-price are sells; and those priced close to the mid-price or declared late are labelled 'N/A'.