LF Equity Income Class Z - Income (GBP)

Our view on this Fund
This fund does not feature on the Wealth Shortlist of funds our analysts believe have the potential to outperform their peers over the long term. This is not a recommendation to sell; however, if you are thinking of adding to your investments, we believe the Wealth Shortlist is a good place to start. View funds on the Wealth Shortlist »
Link Asset Services took the decision not to re-open the Woodford Equity Income Fund. This means that the investments are to be sold, and cash returned to investors. The money investors get back will be determined by the ability to sell the assets and the price that is achieved for them.
Neil Woodford ceased to be the fund's manager on 15 October 2019 and the fund was renamed the LF Equity Income Fund.
Link expects the winding up of the fund to begin on 17 January 2020 with the first payment to investors anticipated by the end of January.
We will continue to waive our platform charge for the fund while it is wound up. We are speaking to Link, the fund's administrator and the regulator and will keep clients informed of further information and when we expect their money to be returned.
Investors do not need to take any action at this point.
Our view on the sector
Performance Analysis
Investment Philosophy
Process and Portfolio Construction
Manager Track Record Based on HL Quantitative Research
This information is currently unavailable.
Fund Track Record
05/02/20 to 05/02/21 | 05/02/21 to 05/02/22 | 05/02/22 to 05/02/23 | 05/02/23 to 05/02/24 | 05/02/24 to 05/02/25 | |
Annual return | n/a | n/a | n/a | n/a | n/a |
Please remember past performance is not a guide to future returns. Where no data is shown, figures are not available. This information is provided to help you choose your own investments, remember they can fall as well as rise in value so you may not get back the original amount invested.