VT Holland Advisors Equity Fund Class R - Accumulation (GBP)
Charges and Savings
Initial charges | |
Initial charge: | 0.00% |
Initial saving from HL: | 0.00% |
HL dealing charge: | Free |
Net initial charge: | 0.00% |
Annual charges | |
Performance fee: | No |
Ongoing charge (OCF/TER): | 1.32% |
Ongoing saving from HL: | 0.00% |
Net ongoing charge: | 1.32% |
In some cases the ongoing savings are provided by our loyalty bonus. Loyalty bonuses are tax-free in an ISA or SIPP. However, they may be subject to tax in a Fund & Share Account which would, in effect, reduce their value and increase the net ongoing charge.
Other Information
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09/09/19 to 09/09/20 | 09/09/20 to 09/09/21 | 09/09/21 to 09/09/22 | 09/09/22 to 09/09/23 | 09/09/23 to 09/09/24 | |
Annual return | n/a | n/a | -18.01% | 20.43% | 19.23% |
Please remember past performance is not a guide to future returns. Where no data is shown, figures are not available. This information is provided to help you choose your own investments, remember they can fall as well as rise in value so you may not get back the original amount invested.
View fund chartOur view on this fund
The Wealth Shortlist features funds our analysts believe have the potential to outperform their peers over the long term. If a fund is not on the Shortlist, this is not a recommendation to sell; however, if you are thinking of adding to your investments, we believe the Wealth Shortlist is a good place to start. View funds on the Wealth Shortlist »
Fund Objective
The investment objective of the Fund is to achieve long term (>5 year) capital growth. The Fund will seek to achieve its objective by typically investing at least 70% in a portfolio of equities (which may be concentrated) which the Investment Manager believes will offer long-term growth for investors (being those which the Manager considers to be great operators in their chosen field, high generators of returns on capital, excellent allocators of capital).
Income Details
Security | Weight |
JET2 | 5.95% |
NU HOLDINGS | 4.49% |
WISE | 4.04% |
AMAZON.COM | 3.97% |
WETHERSPOON(J.D.) | 3.91% |
CARVANA CO. | 3.74% |
Sector | Weight |
Travel & Leisure | 24.17% |
Retailers | 20.02% |
Household Goods & Home Construction | 7.99% |
Industrial Support Services | 7.05% |
Finance & Credit Services | 6.48% |
Industrial Transportation | 5.94% |
Health Care Providers | 5.54% |
Media | 3.59% |
Non-life Insurance | 3.51% |
Software & Computer Services | 3.23% |
Country | Weight |
United States | 47.52% |
United Kingdom | 29.30% |
New Zealand | 5.54% |
Netherlands | 5.24% |
Costa Rica | 4.49% |
Australia | 3.01% |
Cash and Equiv. | 1.82% |
France | 1.71% |
Bermuda | 1.37% |
South Africa | 0.00% |
Data policy - All information should be used for indicative purposes only. You should independently check data before making any investment decision. HL cannot guarantee that the data is accurate or complete, and accepts no responsibility for how it may be used. Prices provided by Morningstar, correct as at 10 September 2024. Data provided by Broadridge, correct as at 31 August 2024.
4 If you elect to receive the income from an ISA or a Fund & Share Account, we will collect any dividends for you and then pay them directly into your bank account within the first 10 working days of the following month.