
The Hargreaves Lansdown Board
The Board of Hargreaves Lansdown Plc is responsible for the proper management of Hargreaves Lansdown and currently meets at least four times a year.
The Board has overall responsibility for controlling the Group, making decisions relating to the Group's strategic direction and measuring progress towards these goals. In order to ensure it has effective control over the Group's activities, the Board has established an Audit Committee, a Remuneration Committee, a Nomination and Governance Committee, and a Risk Committee as sub-committees of the Board which have formally delegated duties and responsibilities under written terms of reference.
Compliance with UK Code of Corporate Governance
The Board supports high standards of corporate governance.
The UK Code of Corporate Governance recommends that the board of directors of a UK public company should include a balance of Executive and Non-executive Directors and that at least half the Board, excluding the Chairman, should comprise Non-executive Directors determined by the Board to be independent, and that one Non-executive Director should be nominated as the Senior Independent Director. The Board is in full compliance with the Code.
Andrea Blance, Penny James, Michael Morley, Darren Pope and John Troiano as non-executive Directors are considered by the Board to be independent for the purposes of the UK Code of Corporate Governance. The Senior Independent Director is Penny James. The Chair, Alison Platt was considered independent upon appointment to the Board.