Take more control of your finances with our Asset Register
We've created an Asset Register to help make managing your family's finances as easy as possible.

Last Updated: 19 June 2023
Taking sole responsibility for the finances might be tempting, especially if one of you is more financially minded, more interested or has more to invest. But it could create stress further down the line, especially if either of you were to pass away suddenly or even if you were to separate.
Dealing with all the admin following a separation or bereavement can be time consuming and challenging. Juggling all the emotions and the need to find key documents and information, (like details of the Will, bank accounts, life policies, pensions and investments) can be particularly difficult.
To help you make the process of managing your family's financial matters as straightforward as possible, we've created an Asset Register.
What is an 'Asset Register'?
Our asset register gives you a place to record and manage all of your key financial information from who your Will is held with and powers of attorney details, to where you invest your money.
It's a place where you can document all your important financial information so your spouse, children or significant other can deal with things when they need to.
Using our asset register will help you:
- Prepare for the unexpected
- Save time by keeping an up to date record of your assets
- Be at ease knowing you and your family are well prepared for the future
- Ensure the wellbeing of your family's future finances
How to use our Asset Register
Fill out all of the sections that are relevant to you. Save it on your computer or, if you're using a printed version keep it with your other important documents. But remember to tell someone where to find them.
Sit down with your significant other and talk through it, outlining each section so you're both clear about how your family's finances work.
Make sure your asset register is only shared with those close to you, as you'll be documenting personal information.
If you work with a financial adviser, arrange a meeting with your partner and your adviser so that should the time come, they'll feel confident about who they should contact for support.