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PINE Pinewood Technologies Group plc -2.66 -4.64 -0.60 -1.50 +826.76 +1,595.88 +1,368.75 +2,515.26
GMS Gulf Marine Services plc +8.57 +26.25 +9.20 +7.95 +11.11 +331.82 +231.59 +163.89
MCB McBride plc +9.26 +48.69 +37.85 +19.92 +116.91 +541.30 +192.66 +125.19
COST Costain Group plc +4.17 +6.33 -2.38 +20.02 +47.27 +131.77 +105.62 -50.12
GFRD Galliford Try Holdings Plc +0.81 +1.08 -0.27 +26.69 +47.93 +124.28 +104.25 +117.32
SNWS Smiths News plc +1.67 +5.90 -0.33 +4.45 +24.62 +32.03 +73.79 +84.85
FOXT Foxtons Group plc -0.59 +4.02 +26.32 +3.38 +17.28 +76.38 +71.87 -22.31
MER Mears Group plc +2.68 -1.36 -0.68 +1.82 +7.23 +72.27 +69.07 +21.98
CARD Card Factory plc -1.17 +1.64 +14.39 -23.39 -1.27 -5.49 +58.97 +2.20
HSW Hostelworld Group plc -1.91 -4.81 -3.75 -7.22 -8.87 -14.45 +52.98 -5.93
NAVF Nippon Active Value Fund plc +0.39 +2.13 +5.22 +10.37 +14.67 +38.77 +50.20 n/a
IGC India Capital Growth Fund Ltd -2.03 -8.40 -6.37 -9.14 -6.89 +39.96 +46.64 +125.94
MNL Manchester & London Inv Tst plc +2.22 -3.03 -3.28 +10.33 +18.11 +105.87 +41.73 +26.20
OCN Ocean Wilsons Holdings Ltd -0.38 +1.53 +3.11 +4.33 -2.21 +36.60 +41.71 +33.17
AIE Ashoka India Equity Inv Trust Plc -4.56 -7.80 -4.56 -5.23 +9.24 +39.49 +38.07 +130.51
AJOT AVI Japan Opportunity Trust Plc +0.78 +5.92 +18.60 +24.32 +28.80 +31.16 +37.61 +36.73
IGET Invesco Global Equity Income Trust plc +4.70 +9.87 +9.15 +15.97 +24.16 +36.33 +36.89 +55.35
RSE Riverstone Energy Ltd -4.73 -3.04 -1.29 -4.73 -17.01 +26.82 +35.82 +86.37
PCGH Polar Capital Global Healthcare Trust plc -0.80 +2.47 -2.36 -3.12 +4.78 +12.01 +31.34 +56.07
FCH Funding Circle PLC -1.38 -8.51 -15.02 +6.97 +290.91 +66.93 +29.83 +36.77
ANII Abrdn New India Investment Trust -1.55 -5.91 -0.52 -4.02 +16.11 +41.48 +29.49 +55.92
MAJE Majedie Investments plc +7.14 +3.85 +13.45 +16.38 +16.88 +33.66 +28.57 +13.92
SST Scottish Oriental Smaller Cos Trust -0.69 -3.03 +0.35 +1.05 +5.49 +19.01 +28.00 +46.79
AVON Avon Technologies Plc -1.36 -4.34 +18.99 +13.95 +54.19 +53.05 +26.32 -47.13
VNH Vietnam Holding Ltd -3.41 -3.41 +0.51 +10.28 +8.17 +43.84 +24.84 +134.22
NAIT North American Income Trust plc +1.75 +5.44 +2.35 +14.80 +20.76 +14.05 +23.32 +12.58
JUSC JPMorgan US Smaller Companies Investment Trust plc -2.58 +3.59 +0.61 +16.35 +20.94 +17.75 +21.23 +33.42
SJG Schroder Japan Trust plc +0.78 +3.60 +5.28 +7.02 +6.15 +21.31 +19.91 +32.82
BRFI BlackRock Frontiers Investment Trust plc +2.94 -0.63 +6.78 +7.51 +5.70 +13.72 +19.77 +29.63
JEGI JPMorgan European Growth & Income plc +3.03 +9.41 +11.17 +8.33 +11.06 +19.20 +18.82 +50.23
CYN CQS Natural Resources Growth and Income plc +5.35 +2.07 +2.07 +14.53 +28.76 -5.06 +16.22 +133.69
CCJI CC Japan Income & Growth Trust plc +0.14 -1.20 +1.37 +2.35 +0.14 +15.11 +13.34 +20.36
BASC Brown Advisory US Smaller Companies -0.86 +3.04 -5.56 +6.85 +9.70 +13.36 +12.70 +23.29
CVCG CVC Income & Growth Limited -1.84 -1.44 +2.79 +3.23 +14.05 +19.75 +11.92 +15.70
PBEE PensionBee Group plc -4.94 -3.14 -1.28 +0.00 +68.67 +113.89 +10.39 n/a
STS STS Global Income & Growth Trust plc +1.65 +6.03 +5.58 +9.82 +10.07 +12.33 +10.31 +14.95
CHI CT UK High Income Trust plc +0.25 +8.70 +12.68 +11.73 +21.95 +15.94 +8.70 +0.00
IBT International Biotechnology Trust plc -1.93 +2.60 -1.93 +4.72 +7.58 -1.39 +5.65 +15.26
CTPE CT Private Equity Trust Plc -0.39 +4.76 +16.59 +6.98 +9.64 +6.53 +5.42 +25.87
AAS Abrdn Asia Focus Plc -0.34 -1.01 +3.69 +9.67 +13.46 +11.74 +5.36 +37.53
FAS Fidelity Asian Values plc -0.41 -2.78 -2.78 -1.01 -0.20 -3.92 +4.70 +25.64
KPC Keystone Positive Change Investment Trust plc +0.97 +5.06 +7.68 +19.04 +14.07 +17.69 +4.64 -25.86
MNP Martin Currie Global Portfolio Trust plc +0.54 +1.35 +3.31 +5.63 -0.53 +15.21 +4.46 +15.74
HINT Henderson International Income Trust plc +8.68 +13.08 +9.01 +10.67 +15.97 +0.41 +3.71 +7.40
IPF International Personal Finance Plc +0.40 -2.32 -4.53 -17.86 +8.58 +32.60 +3.01 -29.64
MWY Mid Wynd International Investment Trust Plc +0.37 +1.24 +0.99 +4.88 +5.97 +14.19 +2.64 +31.35
MCT Middlefield Canadian Inc - GBP PC +4.27 +1.24 +0.62 +14.02 +22.06 +2.52 +2.52 +14.02
CTUK CT UK Capital & Income Inv Trust plc +2.91 +5.99 +6.67 +1.20 +10.34 +9.80 +2.44 -5.35
BERI BlackRock Energy And Resources Income Trust plc +0.00 -0.42 -1.04 +3.46 +10.44 -15.99 +2.14 +77.56
PRV Porvair plc +9.01 +6.45 +10.33 +12.04 +11.69 +6.92 +1.11 -3.97
JCH JPMorgan Claverhouse Investment Trust plc +2.06 +6.90 +7.83 +3.05 +14.11 +8.30 +0.54 -4.37
PAC Pacific Assets Trust plc +0.57 -3.53 -3.01 -6.58 -0.84 -5.08 +0.00 +29.56
SCP Schroder UK Mid Cap Fund plc +3.47 +7.18 +6.27 -0.79 +12.57 +3.47 -0.16 -4.13
MMIT Mobius Investment Trust plc +0.52 +1.56 +3.91 +9.55 +6.56 +2.27 -0.51 +54.76
GOT Global Opportunities Trust plc +1.04 +3.91 +4.29 -3.95 -1.02 -6.56 -1.35 -4.26
UEM Utilico Emerging Markets Trust plc +3.33 +0.93 +3.83 -3.13 -4.82 +0.46 -1.81 -4.41
SEC Strategic Equity Capital plc -2.36 -6.06 -7.32 -15.99 -2.21 -0.64 -1.90 +22.29
EGL Ecofin Global Utilities & Infrastructure Trust plc +1.06 +4.68 +2.15 +5.26 +23.38 -10.17 -2.31 +5.26
ATR Schroder Asian Total Return Investment Company plc -0.10 -0.41 +0.83 +6.84 +13.88 +7.68 -2.42 +28.72
BGUK Baillie Gifford UK Growth Trust plc +1.03 +12.64 +12.32 +12.00 +19.37 +13.69 -2.97 -2.49
DLAR De La Rue plc +1.27 +9.63 +24.48 +29.89 +35.49 +82.44 -3.32 -17.59
MGCI M&G Credit Income Investment Trust plc +0.00 +1.26 -0.82 -0.82 +0.63 +2.89 -3.80 -7.94
AAIF Abrdn Asian Income Fund Limited +1.36 +1.82 +2.28 +6.67 +13.13 -2.82 -3.86 +5.16
LWI Lowland Investment Company plc +2.10 +6.15 +8.74 +4.09 +16.30 +7.86 -4.12 -7.44
IAT Invesco Asia Trust plc -0.29 +0.58 +1.47 +8.86 +16.61 -6.27 -4.44 +18.21
SMIF TwentyFour Select Monthly Income Fund Limited +1.39 +1.39 +2.70 +3.07 +7.90 +11.62 -4.79 -11.00
SWEF Starwood European Real Estate Finance Ltd -0.66 +0.67 +1.12 -3.23 -2.81 -0.88 -5.06 -12.20
ARR Aurora UK Alpha Plc +2.16 +8.22 +1.72 -9.89 -1.25 +4.41 -5.20 +1.72
AEP Anglo-Eastern Plantations plc +2.40 +9.65 +0.59 +10.00 -2.01 -13.56 -5.80 +16.98
FJV Fidelity Japan Trust plc +2.29 +4.39 +13.51 +11.21 +0.56 +0.00 -6.05 +1.13
OIT Odyssean Investment Trust plc +0.65 +3.68 -0.96 -8.55 -2.52 -15.18 -6.06 +35.96
BIPS Invesco Bond Income Plus Limited +0.00 -1.73 -0.87 -0.58 +1.49 -1.02 -6.08 -13.27
HHI Henderson High Income Trust plc +2.58 +6.62 +4.81 +3.68 +9.74 -2.73 -6.37 -8.65
SHRS Shires Income plc +1.23 +5.77 +4.87 +3.13 +17.30 -5.35 -6.95 -13.76
NCYF CQS New City High Yield Fund Ltd +0.00 -2.65 -0.39 +0.00 +2.80 -0.39 -7.22 -13.18
SCF Schroder Income Growth Fund plc +2.82 +7.16 +4.29 +1.39 +13.84 -7.89 -7.30 -6.71
PHAR Pharos Energy plc +1.45 -9.11 +12.16 -2.20 +16.43 +1.88 -7.74 -38.18
DIG Dunedin Income Growth Investment Trust plc -0.35 +5.62 +2.92 -1.40 +3.68 -3.75 -8.14 -6.62
JEMI JPMorgan Global Emerging Markets Income Trust plc +0.75 +0.37 +1.50 +0.75 +3.85 -3.91 -8.16 -0.74
PCA Palace Capital plc -0.22 +3.93 +4.65 -0.88 +0.45 +9.76 -10.00 -27.88
WIX Wickes Group Plc -0.22 +21.47 +18.57 +15.95 +11.96 +19.76 -10.20 n/a
MTE Montanaro European Smaller Companies Trust plc +1.62 +9.79 +9.79 +9.79 +17.34 +9.03 -11.20 +35.93
SREI Schroder Real Estate Investment Trust Ltd +2.29 +1.03 +0.82 +4.91 +9.11 +0.41 -11.21 -8.22
CSN Chesnara plc -2.04 +0.57 +2.53 +2.93 +2.53 -6.73 -11.58 -21.11
PINT Pantheon Infrastructure Plc +8.01 +2.83 +4.89 +15.40 +13.73 +4.89 -11.78 n/a
BIOG Biotech Growth Trust plc (The) -5.15 +1.19 -16.14 -13.66 -12.05 -10.65 -12.14 -15.72
AEI Abrdn Equity Income Trust plc +1.53 +4.75 +5.08 +2.32 +16.14 -7.54 -12.43 -17.04
AEWU AEW UK REIT plc -1.17 +4.77 +6.32 +8.72 +9.54 +1.00 -13.38 +3.91
JAGI JPMorgan Asia Growth and Income Plc +2.68 +2.68 +3.79 +6.39 +15.71 -0.78 -13.54 -4.49
FSJ James Fisher & Sons plc +4.23 +13.11 +9.18 +1.47 +36.36 -2.95 -14.60 -82.05
OTB On The Beach Group plc +0.39 +9.21 +65.16 +81.37 +73.94 +56.83 -14.86 -40.25
JUGI JPMorgan UK Small Cap Growth & Income plc +2.01 +6.64 -2.56 -13.60 +6.64 +2.18 -15.28 -0.65
DORE Downing Renewables & Infrastructure Trust plc -0.57 +9.43 +6.84 +12.47 -1.80 -16.47 -15.66 n/a
RIII Rights & Issues Investment Trust plc -2.33 -7.89 -10.26 -15.32 -0.47 +1.69 -17.32 -9.68
BRLA BlackRock Latin American Investment Trust plc +5.00 +9.76 -0.16 -10.26 -23.64 -15.44 -17.32 -34.92
MACF MacFarlane Group plc -0.47 -0.47 -3.18 -11.98 -14.11 -0.23 -17.44 -4.05
DIVI Diverse Income Trust plc (The) +0.21 +3.30 +3.75 +4.68 +14.63 -2.08 -17.90 -0.63
HOT Henderson Opportunities Trust plc -0.22 -2.78 +5.08 +5.81 +14.90 -5.60 -18.02 +3.88
ZTF Zotefoams plc +2.69 -0.97 -13.35 -38.51 -17.57 -19.95 -18.23 -29.89
CAPD Capital Limited +1.32 -6.33 -7.67 -11.90 -5.87 -26.14 -18.26 +49.51
BGEU Baillie Gifford European Growth Trust Plc +0.84 +10.85 +11.43 +3.78 +1.37 -1.54 -19.19 +1.48
RECI Real Estate Credit Investments Ltd +0.82 -0.40 -2.76 -2.37 +1.65 -10.83 -20.83 -28.20
NRR NewRiver REIT plc -0.54 +5.75 -7.07 -10.79 -4.04 -19.47 -20.86 -61.90
MTU Montanaro Uk Smaller Cos Investment Trust plc +0.96 +5.50 +0.00 -1.40 +7.65 -9.83 -20.97 -26.22
FSTA Fuller Smith & Turner +0.00 -4.20 -19.88 -25.75 -14.38 +3.79 -21.26 -40.43
NXR Norcros plc +0.44 -6.94 -13.96 -2.98 +23.24 +6.54 -21.65 -22.71
AUSC Abrdn UK Smaller Companies Growth Trust plc +1.19 +6.03 +1.39 +0.39 +16.97 +8.74 -21.90 -16.12
RMII RM Infrastructure Income plc -0.14 +0.42 +3.43 -2.30 -4.87 -14.44 -23.09 -25.85
OIG Oryx International Growth Fund -0.44 -4.66 -9.27 -19.64 -1.75 -11.07 -23.21 +14.80
HFEL Henderson Far East Income Ltd +0.45 -2.81 -0.66 -0.44 +5.65 -20.39 -25.29 -34.74
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